Raising Strong Kids by Example: Why It Starts with You

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As a parent, it’s important to me that my daughters understand the value of hard work, dedication, and staying physically active. But let’s be honest—kids rarely take our words at face value. They don’t learn from what we say; they learn from what we do.

At 38 years old, raising two daughters with my wife while running two businesses, time is always stretched thin. But when I see my 8-year-old stretching at home, determined to improve her gymnastics, I know my example is making an impact. She’s asking to go for runs, focusing on her nutrition, and genuinely cares about getting stronger. That’s when I realized: she’s watching everything I do.

Why This Matters to You as a Parent

If you’re reading this, you’re probably a parent too, trying to balance work, family, and a million other things. Maybe you want the same thing for your kids—a sense of discipline, physical fitness, and the knowledge that they can achieve anything if they work hard enough. The truth is, our kids are watching. If we want them to grow into strong, dedicated individuals, we have to show them the way.

How Do We Set That Example?

1. Prioritize Your Own Health

Kids imitate what they see. When they see you putting effort into your fitness—showing up consistently to the gym, choosing healthy foods—they’re more likely to do the same. Your actions speak louder than any advice you could ever give.

2. Involve Them in the Process

Whether it’s taking them to the park for a run, letting them watch your workout, or simply talking to them about why you eat certain foods, make it a part of their world. My daughter now knows which foods are great protein sources and often chooses healthy snacks herself. That’s not a coincidence—it’s because we live it at home.

3. Find the Right Environment

Surround yourself with people who are committed to growth. A great coach and a strong community don’t just push you—they inspire your kids too. At Grit Athletics, we see families walk through our doors, and it’s the parents who take that first step that set their kids on a path to a healthier life.

It’s Time to Lead by Example

We all want what’s best for our kids, but we can’t just tell them what to do. We have to show them. It’s not about perfection—it’s about consistency, effort, and dedication. When you train hard, make smart choices with your food, and surround yourself with a supportive community, your kids notice, and they start to follow.

Ready to Get Started?

If you’re ready to take that step, set the example for your kids, and lead by action, let’s talk. At Grit Athletics, we’re here to help you get stronger, healthier, and set the tone for your family. Schedule a conversation with us here—let’s work together to build a better future for you and your kids.



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